
Payroll Tax Information Evening for Dental Professionals

Are you aware of the recent shift in interpretation of payroll tax legislation by RevenueSA?

The classification of independent contractors as employees is changing, and it's crucial to stay informed and prepared. Dentists have been assured the interpretation will not be retrospectively applied before 30 June 2024 but are you ready for the new rules on 1 July?  If you don't know the answers to any of these questions, then this is an essential session for you.

  • Is your Practice structured appropriately?
  • Do you know if you are required to register?
  • Do you know what your potential liability will be and if your systems will allow you to calculate it?
  • And how will you fund the extra tax payable by the Practice?

Presented by Lisa Hickey, Director and Head of the Health team at Hood Sweeney. Lisa has been working closely with the ADA SA, AMA SA, RACGP, legal teams and others throughout this process and is up-to-date with most current information coming out of Revenue SA and what is worked on behind the scenes in this evolving tax landscape. 


Drinks & Light Refreshments will be served.

30/05/2024 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
Cen. Australia Standard Time
Hood Sweeney Level 3 Boardroom 11 - 16 South Terrace ADELAIDE SA 5000 AUSTRALIA